Tuesday, December 28, 2010


OOOOOOO... What have we been doing? Well, we had a great Christmas. Santa came. Ty got spoiled and we moved to Payson. We live in a GREAT house.

Andy went with his friend to work in Greenriver for the day and my sister got a new noodle machine for Christmas so we have been making noodles all night. Yummy.

After New Years we are going back to Logan to finish up our last 2 weeks. :/
Only a couple more days of relaxation...

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas Break!

Christmas Break is coming soon. I'll be done tomorrow at noon.

Ty has been busy undecorating the Christmas Tree, trying to eat ornaments and walking!

We're moving a bunch of stuff to Payson this weekend. I'm not so sure how I feel about it. I love Logan. I love my students and I love Cache Valley. I love Utah State. I love our friends up here. I love Lee's Marketplace. I love Gossner's Cheese Plant. I love walking around the blockI love Porcupine Reservoir. I love, well, almost everything... The only thing I don't love about this place is my TINY house and of course scraping my windshield every morning.
We're beginning a new adventure. Who knows what we'll encounter.

Monday, December 6, 2010


We went to the NFR in Las Vegas. It was a blast!
Go Kaycee Go!